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Sugar isn’t that sweet when you consider its cost!

6 August 2012 2,699 views No Comment

With your permission, let me take a moment to set aside the human factor of our health in order to present for your consideration merely the financial factor of our health and the correlated costs to our health-related behaviors, specifically our eating habits.

Practicing good health is life-saving$ behavior!

It is logical that consuming smaller portions per serving of each meal saves us grocery money – eating less means buying less, therefore spending less. Additionally, consider the fact that eating healthy also saves us money when we compare the price of meat to produce.

Unfortunately, processed foods are the big exception, especially because they are so cost-effectively mass-produced that they are generally more affordable than the healthier foods at the market. However, when you consider the long-term effect of what you eat relative to your long-term health, the short-term savings that you reap from those less-expensive processed foods can quite unexpectedly become your long-term-to-lifetime financial nightmare!

Practicing good-health behavior is not only physically wise, it’s fiscally wise! When you control the selection and preparation of what you eat by making proper food choices and exercising proper eating habits, not only do you improve your health, you improve your finances!

(CBS News) If you are what you eat, then what does it mean that the average American consumes 130 pounds of sugar a year? Sanjay Gupta reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer. Some physicians go so far as to call sugar a toxin.

60 MINUTES    
“Is sugar toxic?

Sanjay Gupta reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer.” April 1, 2012


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